Pleasant Prairie Cemetery

Also known as Dale Pleasant Prairie Cemetery, Dale Cemetery, or South Troy Cemetery
Zumbro Township, Wabasha County


Coordinates: 44.230955, -92.440164

Below is a list of transcriptions from Pleasant Prairie Cemetery. If the name is a link, the link will go to any picture(s) of the gravestone that we have.

If you have additional transcriptions to add, or have pictures to add to this site, please contact the .

Additional information for this cemetery may be available on

Allen Whipple has provided the following information and the complete listing for Dale Cemetery:

Zumbro Falls was called Troy in the 1850s. The area south to the Olmsted County line along US 63 was called South Troy. The name of Troy was changed to Zumbro Falls because there was a town already named Troy in South East Minnesota. In the 1870s the village next to Pleasant Prairie (Dale) Cemetery consisted of a Post Office, a Mercantile, a Blacksmith, and a Wagon Repair shop. Across from the cemetery there was a Schoolhouse which still stands to this day.

I have been involved with Pleasant Prairie (Dale) Cemetery for over 50 years, and am currently President of the Cemetery Association. Through these years I have compiled an alphabetical list of the cemetery, which is updated frequently.

This information is taken from cemetery records, grave inscriptions and historical documents. For any corrections and/or additions please send an email to Revised 12/01/04.

Memorials in Pleasant Prairie Cemetery
Page updated